
Exercise 1: Wedding Picture

Wedding Picture

Their hands joined together in the simple task of cutting the pearly white frosted cake. But he took her hands in for more than the cutting of the cake, it would be forever. Her hands cold in his hot ones, as he gives the camera a nervous smile. Far from home, and with a family that just recently became his own. He is home sick and stays close to the one he loves. His movements anxious and his body language is riddled with nerves but the softness of her skin keeps him grounded.
Her cheeks blush as the others go in for the next picture, and with no idea how beautiful she really is. She leans into his body for strength and has no clue that he is strengthened by her touch. She’s ready for this family and all that it means to her. A family of her own. Young but sure of herself, or not quite as sure as she thinks she is. Her senses are dulled by a calm that keeps her level and not in tears, keeps her by his side, where she really wishes to be.
A long way from home, the both of them spends their weekend in Vegas with love in their hearts. A love that they aren’t even completely sure of yet. Something that will have a bumpy road, and will take both striding for the goal… to make it to the two year mark.

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